Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

What is "Internet Positif"?

Many people are still wondering; What is a positive internet? What are the benefits? Why there are some web pages that can not be opened?

Positive Internet is one block owned telkoms system whose function block sites that are considered off limits because it contains elements of pornography, gambling, phishing, sara or proxy. Sites that have been blacklisted or has been blocked can not be opened by a user who uses the Internet service provider that imposes "internet positif". If there are people who try to access sites that are already on the blacklist, he will be immediately transferred to "internet positif" pages.

"Internet positif" was created because so many internet users frequently visited sites that is prohibited. Even minors are often open many sites pornography, violence, etc. This is very bad because it could increases free sex, violence, and so on.

In my opinion, "Internet positif" is a good thing but it's better if the contents in the page is changed. Currently it is just advertising and some of the news that there was no relationship with the "internet positif". With the ads on this page, and by the many visitors diverted to here, positively internet certainly produce quite a lot of money earned. The question is where the money flows? the contents that Fill in "internet positif" pages better if about the benefits of using the internet positively, and beneficial things more positively related to surfing.

Moreover, I think "internet positif" today is not very effective because it is still very easy to break into the site in the blacklist. For example in google chrome, just add an extension that serves to open a site that is blocked, "internet positf" is not working anymore. To make it more effective, positive internet must improved their security system and try to find ways to overcome these extensions so indonesian internet users can not open the page in backlist again. also, other effective way is to include sex education in schools so that students are not trying to find out himself from the internet and increase the value and norms in society and  government socialize positively about using the internet more active.

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