There are still many people who during his college confused willing to work where after graduation. Even many who do not know what to do after graduation. This has led to rising unemployment. they should be able to create jobs themselves, but they don't. Supposedly the truth is we majored in college in order to achieve our goals we want to accomplish when we graduate, instead of just go with the flow and just lecture without purpose.
I majored in IT because after graduation I was intending to work sebgai a network security, especially for web security. The reason I took this specialization is because now many more companies are creating websites, of course, the demand for labor in the field of security has also increased to maintain the security of their websites in order not compromised, and their data is not stolen. In addition, if compared with other majors, not many people who take this specialization. That means my chances to get a job be bigger.
However, before starting work later, first I will try to find a scholarship to take S2 degree and work afterwards. But if I have not get any scholarship yet, I will immediately apply for a job. To support my work, I will need to take the certificate test. Certificate that I need for examples like SCNP, SCNA, and so on.
To be able to make it all came true, I should be able to compete with other people who want to work in the world of network security as well. There are a few things I need to do in order to compete in the world of IT bsia, there are:
- Frequent reading and find out the latest information about the world of IT in order not to miss.
- Active in the IT community because of the community, I can get a lot of additional experience that may be useful for me in the world of work later.
- More active learn and practice so that I become more proficient in my field.
- Try to use all of the operating system, not just the windows because maybe in working later time I will use or need other operating systems, and in order not to miss too.
- Ask the people who know better, if there are things that I do not understand, for example, ask the lecturer.
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