Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

My Dream Job

There are still many people who during his college confused willing to work where after graduation. Even many who do not know what to do after graduation. This has led to rising unemployment. they should be able to create jobs themselves, but they don't. Supposedly the truth is we majored in college in order to achieve our goals we want to accomplish when we graduate, instead of just go with the flow and just lecture without purpose.

I majored in IT because after graduation I was intending to work sebgai a network security, especially for web security. The reason I took this specialization is because now many more companies are creating websites, of course, the demand for labor in the field of security has also increased to maintain the security of their websites in order not compromised, and their data is not stolen. In addition, if compared with other majors, not many people who take this specialization. That means my chances to get a job be bigger.

However, before starting work later, first I will try to find a scholarship to take S2 degree and work afterwards. But if I have not get any scholarship yet, I will immediately apply for a job. To support my work, I will need to take the certificate test. Certificate that I need for examples like SCNP, SCNA, and so on.

To be able to make it all came true, I should be able to compete with other people who want to work in the world of network security as well. There are a few things I need to do in order to compete in the world of IT bsia, there are:

  • Frequent reading and find out the latest information about the world of IT in order not to miss.
  • Active in the IT community because of the community, I can get a lot of additional experience that may be useful for me in the world of work later.
  • More active learn and practice so that I become more proficient in my field.
  • Try to use all of the operating system, not just the windows because maybe in working later time I will use or need other operating systems, and in order not to miss too.
  • Ask the people who know better, if there are things that I do not understand, for example, ask the lecturer.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015


As long as this is in the public mind that hackers are bad people who work by breaking into a computer system or network the Internet to steal data for its own benefit.Though not all hackers work for personal gain.

Those who work for private purposes is called black hat hackers or also sometimes called a cracker. His job is to attack a particular system and take advantage of it. There also are doing that only to be famous.
One example of this black hat hacker is break into a bank to steal data about customers and take over the accounts of the clients in order to steal money from customers. Another example is to break through into the system from the government for stole its data and leaked or sold to others.

Not all lay people know that there is also a good hacker. They are referred to as white hat hackers. They do not work for the benefit of himself. They usually work in the system which aims to keep the system can work well and have a good security that can not be infiltrated and compromised by unwanted people. They usually seek to identify a system in depth in order to know the weaknesses of the system and trying to fix it.
Examples of white hat hackers are analyzing the security of a website and find a weakness or a bug of the website, but not barging into the website. If there is a bug that is found it will be notified to the admin of the website in order to be patched.

Activities of these hackers give some benefits.
Of black hat hackers, no benefit is gained, but they motivate people working in the security network to work harder in order not to be compromised.

Of white hat hackers, we can get some benefits, there are:

  • Securing systems and data, so can not be compromised and stolen by the black hat hackers.
  • Trap the black hat hackers and catch them by trying to seek to know their location
  • Save costs because the cost to maintain the security system is definitely much cheaper than having made the system from the beginning again.
  • Makes the internet technology be better because they use their expertise to fix the weaknesses in the security system.

After learning that the hacker is divided into two type, good and evil hacker, I expected people do not believe anymore that the hacker was entirely a villain who work only for their personal gain.

What is "Internet Positif"?

Many people are still wondering; What is a positive internet? What are the benefits? Why there are some web pages that can not be opened?

Positive Internet is one block owned telkoms system whose function block sites that are considered off limits because it contains elements of pornography, gambling, phishing, sara or proxy. Sites that have been blacklisted or has been blocked can not be opened by a user who uses the Internet service provider that imposes "internet positif". If there are people who try to access sites that are already on the blacklist, he will be immediately transferred to "internet positif" pages.

"Internet positif" was created because so many internet users frequently visited sites that is prohibited. Even minors are often open many sites pornography, violence, etc. This is very bad because it could increases free sex, violence, and so on.

In my opinion, "Internet positif" is a good thing but it's better if the contents in the page is changed. Currently it is just advertising and some of the news that there was no relationship with the "internet positif". With the ads on this page, and by the many visitors diverted to here, positively internet certainly produce quite a lot of money earned. The question is where the money flows? the contents that Fill in "internet positif" pages better if about the benefits of using the internet positively, and beneficial things more positively related to surfing.

Moreover, I think "internet positif" today is not very effective because it is still very easy to break into the site in the blacklist. For example in google chrome, just add an extension that serves to open a site that is blocked, "internet positf" is not working anymore. To make it more effective, positive internet must improved their security system and try to find ways to overcome these extensions so indonesian internet users can not open the page in backlist again. also, other effective way is to include sex education in schools so that students are not trying to find out himself from the internet and increase the value and norms in society and  government socialize positively about using the internet more active.

Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Windows vs MacOs vs Linux

Most computer users would know or have heard about the 3 following operating systems; Windows, MacOs, and Linux. This happens because these operating system are three most popular operating system today. These information system have some advantages and disadvantages of each.
Here I will discuss one by one about the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  1. Windows

Windows is an operating system that is most widely used today. Windows is an operating system from microsoft.

the advantages of  windows are:

  • More familiar display, friendly and easy to use. most people are using windows so they think that windows are very easy to use because they have become accustomed.
  • Many applications and games compatible with this operating system. Many games and applications that can not run on other operating systems can run on Windows. This can happen because many Windows-based games released.
  • The installation is easy and consume less time
  • Many hardware is compatible with windows

Beside that, windows has some disadvantages too. there are:

  • This operating system can not be obtained free of charge but must be purchased and the price is not cheap. This causes a lot of information systems pirated outstanding at a price much cheaper.
  • In addition to the most widely used os, windows are also the most heavily attacked by hackers and     crackers. It is also very susceptible to the virus.
  • Many important data are not 100% protected as vulnerable to attack as well as viruses.

 2. Mac Os

In addition to the windows, one of the three most popular os is Mac )s. Mac Os itself is an acronym for Macintosh Os and output of apple. mac os has some advantages.

Here are the advantages of Mac Os

  • Multitasking, which can run multiple applications together at the same time.
  • More stable, rarely broken, not susceptible to the virus and not easily hijacked.
  • Brighter display, clear and glossy so it is great for graphic design / multimedia.
  • Mac Os has sherlock, a program that serves to locate the files on the internet.

But in addition to these advantages, mac os also has same disadvantages, there are:

  • The price is relatively more expensive than the windows and no pirated programs
  • Is not very suitable for gamers because most games are Windows-based games.
  • Mac os More suitable only for the designers.
  • Software on Mac Os not too much and complete as in windows.


The third most popular operating system is Linux. As windows and mac os, linux also has some advantages and disadvantages. This operation sisem be famous because it is an open source operating system so anyone can develop it freely. Just like windows and mac, linux also has some advantages and disadvantages.

Those advantages include:

  • Free software and open source, where anyone can get it and may develop it freely.
  • Superior in security, because Linux uses a multi user system, where if one of the users affected by the virus, the virus will not spread to the other user.
  • There are various options on Linux such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RedHat, openSUSE, Mandriva, and so on.
  • More stable than windows.

Besides advantages, disadvantages Linux are :

  • Many users are difficult to use linux because not familiar with Linux, but familiar with Windows.
  • Linux don't have application as much as in windows and not too complete.
  • The user interface is less attractive
  • The installation process is more complicated and not as easy as windows.

After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the three operating systems, according to me as a student of informatics, as a layman and love to play games, the most suitable operating system for me is windows because although it is more susceptible to viruses and attacked, the windows have more useful application for anyone and so many windows-based gaming options. Almost all PC games can run on Windows. Mac os and linux is not too relevant to me because applications and games available in this two os is not too much and not too complete. Mac Os also more suitable only for the designers.